Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Hamlet adalah naskah theater yang dibuat oleh William Shakespeare sekitar tahun 1599-1601. Berikut ini cuma sinopsis, karena cerita keseluruhannya berupa drama, dan bahasanya sastra banget, ngejelimet.

When Hamlet's father, the old King of Denmark, die, his brother Claudius became the new king. After only a few weeks, Claudius married Gertrude, the old king's wife. Hamlet was angry with his mother because she remarried so quickly. He also hated Claudius, his Stepfather.

One cold, dark night on the walls of Elsinore Castle, a friend of Hamlet's saw the ghost of Hamlet's father. The friend told Hamlet about the ghost and that night, they both went up onto the castle walls. It was another very cold night, and as the clock struck midnight, the ghost suddenly appeared.

He took Hamlet aside and talked to him. "People say a poisonous snake killed me but they are wrong. I was sleeping in my garden when Claudius came and he put poison in my ear! It was painful death. Your uncle is a very evil man. You must take revenge for my murder and kill him! But Please, don't harm your mother!" Then the ghost disappeared.

Hamle was full of anger and hatred. He wanted to kill Claudius, but he was indecisive. He started to behaving strangely and Claudius began to suspect that Hamlet knew something. He asked Polonius, his chief minister, to find out about Hamlet's strange behaviour.

Polonius knew that Hamlet was in love with his daughter, Ophelia. He sent her to look for Hamlet to find out what was wrong. When Ophelia found Hamlet, he was thinking about life and death: "To be, or not to be-that is the question" Ophelia tried to comfort Hamlet but he became angry and told her to get out of his life. Ophelia was very upset and believed Hamlet was mad.

A few days later, Hamlet was walking around the castle when he saw Claudius. Claudius was praying. Hamlet had to make a quick decison. "Now is my chance to kill him" he thought. "But no, not while he is praying-he will go straight to heaven"

Hamlet went to his mother's room. She looked sad. "You have offended your father", said Gertrude. "And, Mother, you have offended my father", replied Hamlet. While they were talking, Hamlet heard noise behind a curtain.He was suspicious and though it was Claudius. Thie s time, Hamlet was decisive. He took his sword and killed the person behind the curtain. But it was not Claudius, it was Polonius!

The situation in Elsinore was getting worse. Claudius sent Hamlet to England. While he was there, Ophelia went mad and killed herself. When Hamlet returned, he was more depressed-now both his father and Ophelia were dead while the evil Claudius was still alive!

Soon, Laertes, Ophelia's brother, arrived back Elsinore. He blamed Hamlet for the deaths of his father and sister, and challenged Hamlet to a fight. Claudius wanted Hamlet to lose and so he poisoned Laertes sword. He also prepared a glass of poisoned wine to give to Hamlet in case he won.

The fight began. During the fight, Hamlet's mother, Gertrude drank some of the poisoned wine from Hamlet's cup. Hamlet cut Laertes and the Laertes cut Hamlet. Suddenly, Gertrude fell to the floor. Laertes told Hamlet that his sword and the wine were poisoned-and that it was Claudius's plan. Without hesitation, Hamlet killed Claudius-and then died himself. Elsinore Castle was dark and silent.

ternyata ada filmnya ya ? baru tauuu.. hahaha

menurut pinca :

ternyata bunuh-bunuhan dan nikah demi harta dan jabatan ala sinetron uda ada dari zaman jebot !

si claudius pinter banget ya,
kalo orang-orang masukin racun ke makanan atau minuman,
dia malah masukin lansung di kuping
what a great idea ! kreatif banget nih orang

ternyata mitos-mitos setan dan penampakan pun bukan cuma di film indonesia yang ga jelas,
tapi cerita theater juga mengangkat isu kyk gitu ?

kalo mau bales dendam sama orang,
maka siksalah dia sampe dia ga bisa merasakan kebahagiaan lagi
mungkin itu yang ada di pikiran hamlet
sampe-sampe dy ga maw bunuh claudius gara-gara claudius bakal masuk surga kalo dibunuh pas lagi berdoa
tapi ujung"na ?
malah ga sengaja ngebunuh polonuis, dan menyakiti ophelia
(poor you..)

yang paling malang disini, tentu aja si ophe
dia ga terlibat konspirasi apa-apa
cuma gadis polos yang mencintai orang yang salah dan pada kondisi yang salah

source : wikipedia.com, vermintz.blogspot.com, mbah google


Anonymous said...

moshi-moshi pinca-san (kayak mau nelpon)
watashi wa SH-san desu. dozo yoroshiku.
watashi wa smak7 no juuninensei (XIIS3).
anata no BUROGGU wa kawaii desu.

hamlet ada komiknya lho. gue beli
tapi gambarnya nggak terlalu bagus.

mou ikkai, dozo yoroshiku.

pinca said...

SH ini sapa ya ?
seinget gw, di kelas yg inisialna SH itu, Sony Harsono ?
btul kah ? XD

makasi uda baca blog saia,
sempet"in kasi comment juga.. hehehe

iaa,, komik yg bikinan org indo kan ?
lo beli gituan ? hahahaha
cinta produk dlm negri banget !
padahal ngeliat cover na aja uda rada" bikin ga napsu.. XD